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One for the Moms Thumbnail

One for the Moms

This Sunday is Mother’s Day. I'll have a lovely day playing tennis and enjoying a family dinner with my mom. Love ya!

But something will be missing. My out of town daughters.

Maddie is an engineer living in Kansas City and Isabel is an accountant living in Denver. Neither were able to make it in for the weekend. Stephen and I often ask, with our kids so far away, did we do something right or wrong? I envisioned my daughters living and working close by.

Do any kids ever follow their parents' plans? I did.

I grew up in Highland Park and moved home for a year before getting my first apartment in Chicago. I came home for Sunday night family dinners, my parents stopped by often, and I knew they were less than an hour away if I needed anything.

Now it is my turn, and no Sunday night dinners or quick visits. But there are many things I treasure:

They are mostly independent. (Moms - you know what I mean by that.) They are off of our payroll, except for the cellphone bills. Does that ever end?

They call me when they are walking somewhere. Moms, you know, the "walk and talk." However, if I miss the call… they are on to the next thing.

They "consent" to one family vacation a year, assuming it's someplace sunny or interesting. You might call it a bribe, but we get to see them for an entire week and always have a great time.

They do occasionally come home to Evanston and I get to see them back in their beds with nighttime games or movies. Or we'll just stay up late and talk.

They text, send pictures and tik tok videos every day.

I'm kvelling (you'll have to look it up), seeing them as adults, with such poise, charm, and smarts. Yet they still are, and will always be, my little girls.

Yes, I will miss them on Mother’s Day. If your kids are home, I hope you give them an extra hug and treasure the time. If not, I am sure they will find a way to celebrate with you.

So did we do something right or wrong, with our kids living out of town? Maybe it's the wrong question. Did we do the best we can? I think so.

As parents all we can do is give our children unconditional love, guide them, and try to be good role models. We take them to the park, watch their ice skating or softball, and then they are off, making their own decisions, including where to live.

Moms think about their kids all the time, wherever they are, or however old they are. Moms are moms every second of the day. Always worrying. There is nothing too small to worry about... it's cold in Kansas City today. It's raining in Denver...

Is it worrying or caring? What's the difference? Time goes by fast. Enjoy each moment you have with them.

Happy Mother’s Day!

And Maddie, wear a sweater. Isabel, drive safely.

Shari Greco Reiches

Shari co-founded Rappaport Reiches Capital Management with one goal - to maximize the return on life for her clients. Please connect with Shari below. She loves to talk about investing, financial planning, and Barry Manilow.

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