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Jennifer Gray – How to Break the Cycle of People Pleasing and Burnout Thumbnail

Jennifer Gray – How to Break the Cycle of People Pleasing and Burnout

Listen Here -- Maximize Your Return on Life Podcast -- Jennifer Gray – How to Break the Cycle of People Pleasing and Burnout

Shari interviews real people with real stories who have embraced their core values to make life decisions. We hope that their stories will inspire you to Maximize Your Return on Life.

In this episode, Shari talks with Jennifer Gray, “The Brand Therapist”. Jennifer has navigated the business and therapy worlds for almost twenty years. She counsels overwhelmed professionals on how to boldly reimagine their life. Shar and Jennifer discuss the relationship between people pleasing and burnout, the conflict between personal and professional values, the signs of burnout and tips to manage it. Jennifer also talks about how she maximizes her return on life.

Shari Greco Reiches

Shari co-founded Rappaport Reiches Capital Management with one goal - to maximize the return on life for her clients. Please connect with Shari below. She loves to talk about investing, financial planning, and Barry Manilow.

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