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Jennifer Gray – How to Break the Cycle of People Pleasing and Burnout Thumbnail

Jennifer Gray – How to Break the Cycle of People Pleasing and Burnout

Shari talks with Jennifer Gray, “The Brand Therapist”. Jennifer has navigated the business and therapy worlds for almost twenty years. She counsels overwhelmed professionals on how to boldly reimagine their life. Shari and Jennifer discuss the relationship between people pleasing and burnout, the conflict between personal and professional values, the signs of burnout and tips to manage it. Jennifer also talks about how she maximizes her return on life.

Susan Heymann and Lorri Bernstein – Senior Living Specialists Thumbnail

Susan Heymann and Lorri Bernstein – Senior Living Specialists

Shari talks with Susan and Lorri about their journey to co-founding Senior Living Specialists Chicago, a premier local and free Senior Community Referral Service. Susan and Lorri explain the different types of senior communities, from independent living to nursing homes. They discuss who benefits from their services, their process to finding the perfect community and how finances impact their clients’ decisions. They share some success stories – and how they maximize their return on life.

Adam Greco – The Budget Evangelist Thumbnail

Adam Greco – The Budget Evangelist

Where does all my money go? This is a question many people can’t answer. In this podcast, Shari talks to budgeting expert (and brother) Adam Greco about budgeting tips. Adam will help you align your expenses to your values and give you peace of mind. Remember: You can have anything you want, not everything.

Kristyn Friske – Social Impact Strategist Thumbnail

Kristyn Friske – Social Impact Strategist

Shari’s guest Kristyn Friske describes the wakeup call that led her to leaving corporate world success to become a Social Impact Strategist. They also discuss Kristyn’s “Time, Talent, and Treasure” method to decide how to allocate her resources among many worthwhile causes. Kristyn provides information on Trust based philanthropy, why she believes your health is your wealth, and how she uses her values to maximize her return on life.

Dana Hirt – Intentional Parenting Advice from a PCI Certified Parent Coach® Thumbnail

Dana Hirt – Intentional Parenting Advice from a PCI Certified Parent Coach®

Shari and Dana discuss how she started her practice Dana Hirt Parenting, a Chicago-based parent coaching and education service. Dana uses Intentional Parenting in her practice – a mindful approach that encourages parents to use their Core Values to help guide their parenting decisions. Dana offers tips and examples for raising toddlers to young adults, she shares how she maximizes her return on life – and much more!