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Stephen Reiches – How to Go From Writing a Check to Being Strategic About Philanthropy Thumbnail

Stephen Reiches – How to Go From Writing a Check to Being Strategic About Philanthropy

In this episode, Shari talks with her husband of 35 years, Stephen Reiches, about strategic charitable giving. Stephen is the firm’s wealth transfer expert, having previously worked as an estate planning attorney. He has been with RRCM for over 19 years and provides planning advice to many of our firm’s most sophisticated clients. Stephen also shares how he maximizes his return on life.

Adam Greco – The Budget Evangelist Thumbnail

Adam Greco – The Budget Evangelist

Where does all my money go? This is a question many people can’t answer. In this podcast, Shari talks to budgeting expert (and brother) Adam Greco about budgeting tips. Adam will help you align your expenses to your values and give you peace of mind. Remember: You can have anything you want, not everything.

Ellen Rogin – How You and Your Money Can Live Happily Ever After Thumbnail

Ellen Rogin – How You and Your Money Can Live Happily Ever After

Shari talks with Ellen Rogin, a bestselling author and trainer to financial advisors. Shari and Ellen share a common bond – they have both built careers based on taking the stress out of money. They discuss Ellen’s new book, Messages from Money, including how to move from money worry to money welcome, the difference between goal setting and goal getting, how to use prosperity practices to shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance, and how to make your money a force for good in the world. Ellen also shares how she maximizes her return on life.

Liz Xilas and Kristyn Gibson – Advice for Women in Charge… Of Their Finances Thumbnail

Liz Xilas and Kristyn Gibson – Advice for Women in Charge… Of Their Finances

A majority of women will one day be solely in charge of their finances. Shari talks with RRCM Senior Financial Advisors Liz Xilas and Kristyn Gibson about why it is so important for women to take an active role in their finances now. For women in charge of their finances, Liz and Kristyn provide tips about spending, financial and estate planning, investing and much more. They also share how important it is to assemble “your team”, manage your emotions, take a breath, and invest in yourself.

Jennifer Gray – How to Break the Cycle of People Pleasing and Burnout Thumbnail

Jennifer Gray – How to Break the Cycle of People Pleasing and Burnout

Shari talks with Jennifer Gray, “The Brand Therapist”. Jennifer has navigated the business and therapy worlds for almost twenty years. She counsels overwhelmed professionals on how to boldly reimagine their life. Shari and Jennifer discuss the relationship between people pleasing and burnout, the conflict between personal and professional values, the signs of burnout and tips to manage it. Jennifer also talks about how she maximizes her return on life.